Riga City Council

Riga City Council

I had the honour and pleasure to be commissioned by the Riga City Council to create this year’s Christmas greeting artwork, displayed digitally and in print all over the city during December 2021!

The theme for the campaign was “The little joys of winter”. Building a snowman in Bastejkalns, gingerbread baking in warmth at home, decorating a Christmas tree outside in Mezaparks or Bolderaja (Riga’s boroughs) and the sight of a snowy scene of our iconic centre of the Old town celebrates the little joys of our day to day life. These and other “unnoticeable” little things gild the edges of those heavy lockdown, inflation and social division rainclouds with a golden edge, to bring us some joy, rest and a festive feeling.

Special thanks to type designer Eva Abdulina for voluntarily creating a font for this project out of sheer enthusiasm! 

I had the honour and pleasure to be commissioned by the Riga City Council to create this year’s Christmas greeting artwork, displayed digitally and in print all over the city during December 2021!

The theme for the campaign was “The little joys of winter”. Building a snowman in Bastejkalns, gingerbread baking in warmth at home, decorating a Christmas tree outside in Mezaparks or Bolderaja (Riga’s boroughs) and the sight of a snowy scene of our iconic centre of the Old town celebrates the little joys of our day to day life. These and other “unnoticeable” little things gild the edges of those heavy lockdown, inflation and social division rainclouds with a golden edge, to bring us some joy, rest and a festive feeling.

Special thanks to type designer Eva Abdulina for voluntarily creating a font for this project out of sheer enthusiasm! 
